A fresh approach to risk

Deep EXPERTISE, original thinking, a unique PERSPECTIVE


Non-executive director, board chair, committee chair, former chair of the Institute of Risk Management, former partner at PwC (and C&L), risk management pioneer … 

Richard Anderson is an experienced board chair, committee chair and non-executive director with a background as a Chartered Accountant and risk management consultant. Throughout his career he has worked with large global corporations through to small start-ups, INGOs and not-for-profit organisations, in the UK and across multiple geographies.  

As a non-executive director, Richard has a wealth of experience in Payments, FinTechs and Banks.  

Formerly a partner in PwC (and C&L) Richard trained as a Chartered Accountant and became a partner in 1993. He undertook a full range of work covering audit, due diligence and Reporting Accountant. He lived a worked in Italy for two years. He then led the strategic risk practice in EMEA. As a consultant he was a pioneer in the area of risk management and authored authoritative texts on areas such as risk appetite and risk culture which led to him speaking at events across the globe from Dubai to Colombia. He continues to provide risk consulting under the name of AndersonRisk to a small number of discerning clients who value his combination of original thinking, deep expertise and practical perspective from the boardroom. 

He is currently chairing the risk committee of a bank, acting as an advisor to a variety of early-stage companies incorporating AI, blockchain and parametric insurance. He is also working on the start-up of an AI-driven risk culture analysis business – Risk Conversations.  

He has board experience in CNI and regulated industries working closely with regulators and government. In many cases this has been on the boards of organisations that have complex strategic issues to address, complex multi-stakeholder environments and which are undergoing major change.


Richard Anderson shares his unique approach to the consulting service he provides to clients, helping them to see risk in their organisation from a very different perspective. He writes:

To me it’s all about delivering a highly personal service.  

At AndersonRIsk I am not building a big, global risk management consulting practice. I’m not building a business with a large team of staff, I am not trying to leverage juniors, and I am not fixated on utilisation rates or timesheets.  

Instead I work with businesses that see risk as being a boardroom topic, and who value the reassurance of a very personal service delivered by me (and sometimes one or two very trusted individuals I have worked with for years). In practice, I work with clients that I think are interesting, and that means I am really only interested in working with businesses that value my combination of: 

  • Deep experience with over 30 years consulting (plus a number of years before that in Public Practice as a Chartered Accountant); 
  • Original thinking about risk and its management from my time working with leading academics and thought leaders in the profession, and derived from my own consulting work. I have been published in journals and books, but also I have spoken in conferences from the UAE to Colombia with locations in between; and 
  • Practical experience of working as the Chair of Risk Committees in the boardrooms of a variety of companies. 

That tends to boil down to: 

  • What are our key strategic risks? 
  • How should we deal with risk in the boardroom? 
  • Can you assess the maturity of our risk management? 
  • What do you think of our risk culture? 
  • How do we manage risk across our ecosystem? 

This is not intended to be a comprehensive list, but is there to give you an idea of the sort of subjects that I consult on. Subjects that require me to speak to senor individuals from the board and C-suite and down through the organisation, where discussion is more important than quantification, where existential issues and the nuances of governance matter more than numbers and spreadsheets.

“I encourage my clients to view risk through a completely different lens. Rather than start with risk registers and other backward-looking risk tools, we look at risk via a set of finely balanced considerations. This often leads to the discovery of significant risks which were not even previously in view.”

Risk conversations was developed by AndersonRisk in conjunction with the team at yBC.tv. Find out more here.


Risk conversations is a unique tool which maps who is talking about risk in your business, and renders those conversations available for analysis. Secure and cloud based, there is no IT requirement. it also incorporates AI which improves data ingestion, pattern recognition, insights and speed of detection and analysis.

Risks are clearly mapped, verified and visualized, and they in turn become the DNA of the risk culture, meeting compliance needs fast and thoroughly. New tech measures and tracks risk conversations in real time to provide unprecedented insights to risk professionals, management and the board.



Email:       rca@andersonrisk.com

Mobile:    +44 7807 780 284

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